Are you stuck in the tension between who you've had to be and who you truly are?

Break Free!

With a Groundbreaking, Self-Paced Hypnosis & Microdose Journey

  • Reclaim life-changing self-acceptance

  • Alchemize blocks that are holding you back

  • Open to higher guidance

  • Unveil expansive, vibrant joy

so that you can FREE the wild, soul-aligned, blissful life you desire

(and deserve)!

​It's time.

"This journey offers freedom from ourselves and the stories we were born into. Danae is the most beautiful loving human. She provides a safe non judgmental space for you to get venerable and in turn heal and grow!"


What You'll Experience

1. Healing Empowerment
Learn to use your own radiance to access inner wisdom and innate self-healing power. You have everything you need!

2. Reclamation of Your Best, True Self

Be guided through the wisdom of your subconscious to remember all the ways you already know how to be your best, true self to reclaim life-changing self-acceptance as your birthright!

3. Alchemize Un-Serving Patterns
Say goodbye to what no longer serves including detrimental beliefs, thought patterns, societal conditioning and stuck emotions so that you are FREE to shine your light BRIGHTLY!

4. Integration of Radical Self-Love
With Soul at the helm, harmoniously craft a blissful vision for your life filled with radical joy and self-love guided by your higher self and internal compass.

5. Magic Manifestation Practice
Courageously launch your vision of blissful success and well-being through a unique magical ritual so that it shines brightly for all to see and is made manifest!

Danae Jensen

Plant Medicine & Soulful Healing Guide

Ecosophy Wellness

What's Included

Experiential Sessions & Tutorials with Danae


Five 40-minute experiential transpersonal hypnosis sessions helping you to step into your highest potentials and embrace your highest path forward, in audio formats with high-quality introduction videos.


Additional practices to support your journey! Practices include: insight reflections, journal prompts, rituals, meditations and embodiment practices.


Email Danae any time to have your questions answered personally. Plus, you are welcomed in the Sacred Space of the Ecosophy community. Packed with wisdom, symbolism, transmission of the energy, and tons of generous giveaways like the annual astrology calendar, human design chart readings, dream analysis, meditations and so much love and support.


Danae will direct you to where you can purchase high-quality magic mushroom microdoses if you are choosing to journey in this way. Plus you receive a discount of Ecosophy's line of organic herbal teas.


Everything you need to know about hypnosis, microdosing, and how to optimally position yourself for the greatest experience with deeper reflection and lasting results as you move towards your more joyful and fulfilling life.


The Ultimate Set of Self-Love Affirmations in printable PDF and audio formats so that you have a quick, daily practice, post-journey to cultivate self-love with a kind inner voice and integrate your newfound insights. These are unlike any affirmations you've done before. You will find they land and stick more solidly.

Towards a Macrodose Ceremony so that you can dive deeper into healing when you're ready. #DivineTiming


Lifetime access to the full program (all video, audio, and supportive material) via your member’s area so you can journey when you like and as often as you like and be gifted upgrades as they are unrolled.

I highly recommend this journey for anyone; it is the best gift you can give to yourself and essentially to the world. I can sense that I now vibrate on a higher frequency that is catchy, a contagion that we can all benefit from!

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And a 14 day 100% money-back guarantee.

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A blissful oasis for self-care and inner transformation. It was an amazing experience that I am highly recommending to anyone looking to do "the work". This journey represents a unique opportunity to dig deep into one's mind and past, to release pains and disappointments and move towards your personal version of a glorious future. From tears to ecstatic joy, Danae's dome brings it all.


Danae’s innate intuition and personal guidance were an essential part in helping me discover ‘un-serving narratives’ from my childhood that had been directing my entire life in non-beneficial ways. With compassion, kindness and openness she led me to my shadow realms and provided her light to show me what I needed to uncover and make peace with.

If you are ready for a deep exploration into the healing of Self, I highly recommend her services.

- Alex

After the ceremony with Danae the world smelled different, looked different and felt so much safer. I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is looking for a deeper meaning and purpose in life. Thank you Danae for freeing my spirit and helping me heal this story for my children and all the generations to come.
