Hi, I'm Danae Jensen, founder of Ecosophy Wellness.

I help determined, passionate and courageous women ...

  • Break the binds of social conditioning.

  • Unravel the lies keeping you stuck.

  • Clear the limiting beliefs tethering you down.

    So that you can RECLAIM...

  • Your Power

  • Your Divinity

  • Your Bliss

"​I can say with confidence that I am now armed with tools and strategies to help me through all of life’s uncertainties with a true sense of comfort and peace that I had been longing for." ~ Cally

You are determined, passionate, ambitious and courageous, but you feel stuck and frustrated by the lack of forward movement and sometimes hopeless that anything will ever change. You struggle to maintain the inspiration, motivation, or energy to push forward and manifest your true desires.

Let me assure you ... it's not your fault. You are not broken and there is nothing to fix! There is; however, a ton to let go of, release and break free from.

​Don't waste another moment of your precious life!

Take my hand and let's dive in to excavate what is holding you back from your soul's desire.

Danae Jensen

Soulful Healing Guide

[email protected]


Curious or ready to dive in? Let's chat.

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